
20 Post Op Massages
Valued at $3, 500. This is the #1 seller!
Valid for 6 months
Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Package recommended for tummy tuck clients. Who should
Book 2 sessions back to back for the first 2 weeks(optional)
Clients who had surgery in NYC with no previous massage
package will include body contouring at the end.
Please read booking policy on single session.
Valid for 6 months

Best Value
6 Body Contouring
Glow Up- Body Contouring Package - 6 sessions
Valid for 3 months
6 sessions of body contouring tailored to each client needs
For clients with no surgery or 3 month post-op

12 Body Contouring
Glow Up Body Contouring Package - 12 sessions
Valid for 6 months
12 sessions of body contouring tailored to each client needs
For clients with no surgery or 3 months post-op
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